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Check out the main highlights of our region and find out what can't be missing from your itinerary.



The Tourist Region of Serra do Cipó is also home to a people with roots in these lands thousands of years ago, as evidenced by the various cave paintings found throughout the place. Indigenous tribes, descendants of slaves, and Europeans who trod these paths in search of the riches of Minas Gerais also made their home here. Such diversity gave rise to a simple and hospitable people, who stand out for their traditions and their religiosity, in addition to bringing good old “stories” to tell in good conversation in the kitchen, washed down with coffee and cachaça, by the wood stove!

The rich culture of the region is a reflection of the people full of knowledge that inhabit it and the religious traditions that are very present in the territory. In the manifestations of this culture, the folkloric celebrations and religious festivals stand out, such as the Folia de Reis, Marujada, the festivals in honor of the Patron Saints of each city, Holy Week, September festivities, in addition to the music and dance that were born in the various quilombola communities in the region, and which seek to rescue and perpetuate some of the traditions experienced there, such as the Tambor do Matição group, the Candombe do Açude, the Banda Mãe África, and the Kandoá dance group.

Handicrafts in the region are marked by the use of natural fibers such as indaiá straw, banana and bamboo straw, as well as wooden pieces, embroidery and tapestries.



The gastronomy of the Tourist Region of Serra do Cipó, based on the flavors of the Cerrado and the Atlantic Forest, is a delicious attraction in itself!
The regional recipes are surprising due to the use of ingredients that are still little known by visitors, but used for years by the local population, providing dishes with special flavors and great nutritional value.
In addition, visitors can taste the traditional cheeses of the highest quality (some awarded in international competitions!), greengrocers and homemade sweets with fruits from the Cerrado and the Atlantic Forest, and of course, our famous cachaças.

The region also stands out for its family farming and agroecological and pesticide-free products, where in some places it is possible to purchase items coming directly from the gardens of local residents.

meet theNature of Flavor Recipe Book

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The history of the Serra do Cipó Tourist Region dates back to primitive communities that believed in the supernatural or magical power of drawings, and for that reason, left their record with cave paintings that are true works of art in which stories, routine, beliefs and experiences are portrayed. of life of prehistoric man.
These works were one of the first forms of art and communication of primitive peoples. There are those who consider the walls of caves as the first book and the first canvas of humanity.

In the region, there are cave paintings and traces of different civilizations, which lived there for over 10 thousand years.

The curious thing is that the paintings were not made with plant extracts, but with oxides and hydroxides of manganese and iron, which were found in the area.

There are cave paintings scattered throughout the region in different shapes and colors. Inside the National Park, most of the works represent deer (deer), usually in ocher or red colors and, more rarely, yellow, orange, white and black; these patterns, however, are very variable in the region, with an enormous diversity of rock records, both paintings and engravings. (Prous, Baeta and Rubbioli, 2003).

Some cave paintings can be visited:
Cave Paintings Head of Boi…

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Throughout the year, the region is the scene of various events, both cultural and sporting. It is worth following the region's calendar, and setting aside a few days to live the experience of combining nature and culture during your visit to the region.

Portal Minas Gerais

Baldim • events
Conceição do Mato Dentro • events
Congonhas do Norte • events
Itambé do Mato Dentro • events
Jaboticatubas • events
Morro do Pilar • events
Nova União • events
Santa Maria de Itabira • events
Santana do Riacho 
• events




Cycle tourism is an activity whose main element is the realization of bicycle routes (ABNT). The Tourist Region of Serra do Cipó is known for its various cycle touring routes and offers everything from short tours to the possibility of longer routes and crossings lasting a few days, moving around the region and providing opportunities for experiences and tourism to the visitor. along the way. 

At the entrance of the Serra do Cipó National Park, it is possible to rent a bicycle to visit some of the main attractions.



The Tourist Region of Serra do Cipó offers several trail options with different degrees of difficulty and distances. There are options for those who want a short hike, round trip to an attraction, or for fans of the Long Course Trails — the famous Travessias — which can last several days, during which the hiker is completely immersed in nature.


For a richer and safer experience, we suggest hiring a company and/or driver qualified to carry out crossings in the region.


Canoeing and Stand Up Paddle (SUP) are popular activities for visitors of all ages who want to admire the beauties of the region from a new perspective: from within its waters! These activities are the perfect combination of leisure and contemplation!

The tours last between one and three hours, and for greater safety and protection of the aquatic environment, they should always be done through specialized companies.

The arrival of new canoeing equipment and techniques in the country provided the emergence of new activities. Stand Up Paddle, for example, is an activity that mixes canoeing with surfing, where the tourist paddles while standing on a board.
